Please complete the following application either online or download and submit via email or mail for consideration of one of our Outdoors For Our Heroes hunting opportunities.
We will acknowledge receipt of your application, however, acknowledgement does not guarantee selection. Selection is based on many factors including available funds, schedule and the amount of applications received. Our team works diligently to process applications and coordinate opportunities for our deserving applicants. Please understand we receive several applications each month and do our best to accommodate as many as we can. If you are not chosen for the current season, you are still eligible for future opportunities.
Verification documents are required for our veteran opportunities we will need copies of your DD 214 and VA Award Letter. Completed applications and documents can be submitted online using the online application button, emailed to hunting@outdoorsforourheroes.org or mailed to the address below.
Outdoors For Our Heroes
P.O. Box 3791
Lacey WA 98509